Log in to English UNJA E-Learning Management System
Is this your first time here?
In order to be able to fully access the course in this Moodle site, registration is required. Follow these instructions to register:- Click CREATE NEW ACCOUNT button below.
- Fill in the registration form. Use the following guidelines:
- For students, use your NIM as a USERNAME (in ALL small letters). For lecturers, use any name that is easily identifiable to you (also in all small letter)
- The password must consist of a minimum of 8 (eight) characters. It should contain minimum one Capital letter, one small letter, one number and one symbol. e.g.: MyMo*dl3
- Use an active EMAIL address for registration because it will be needed for communication in Moodle, password reset, and registration. Organization email or Gmail account is highly recommended.
- For your FIRST NAME, write your complete name.
- For your SURNAME, write your NIM (in capital letters, for example: A1B201001.
- For CITY/TOWN and COUNTRY, use your own location
- Check the registered email for confirmation message. Confirm the registration by clicking the confirmation link in the email (It sometimes takes time, please wait. It is also likely that the email can be found in the Spam Box)
- Login with user account that has been confirmed. Edit the profile if necessary. Incomplete profile is subject to deletion after 2 (two) weeks.
- To enroll in a course, an enrollment key is needed. Please contact the lecturer for the enrollment key
(Note: Only students and lecturers of English Education Study Program Universitas Jambi is eligible for registration. Use of this Moodle site by other individuals require administrator approval and the registration must be done by the Admin.